Most érkezett hírlevélbõl:
Sunspot region 930 produced a major X3.4 flare at 02:40 UTC on December 13.
Observers at high and middle latitudes are highly encouraged to watch the
skies tonight: A coronal mass ejection from this event is expected to reach
the Earth sometime late on December 13 or early on December 14. Major to
isolated severe geomagnetic storm conditions with periods of strong auroral
storm activity are expected through December 15. Auroral activity may be
strong enough to be observed as far south as California, Nevada, Colorado,
Kansas, Tennessee and North Carolina. France, Germany, Poland, Austria,
northern Italy, central Russia, New Zealand and southern Australia may see
periods of auroral activity as well.

a lényeg, hogy amennyiben az észak-olasz régiót, illetve Ausztriát is említik, mint lehetséges sarkifény észlelési helyszínt, talán nem esélytelen nálunk sem.
Tessék hát figyelni!