Áthelyezve innen: Hosszútávú esélylatolgatások (#63221 - 2009-12-26 01:21:30)

"What is facing the major population centers of the northern hemisphere is unlike anything that we have seen since the global warming debate got to the absurd level it is now, which essentially has been there is no doubt about all this. For cold of a variety not seen in over 25 years in a large scale is about to engulf the major energy consuming areas of the northern Hemisphere. The first 15 days of the opening of the New Year will be the coldest, population weighted, north of 30 north world wide in over 25 years in my opinion."

Nemhogy nem túloz, de már most bõven megdõlt Írországban sok, nem 25, de 100 éves hidegrekord, és ez csak durvulni látszik!!!!

Hihetetlen, nem találok szavakat arra, ami jön!!